Miscellaneous meanderings and extracts - recent email questions and answers.

"It is impossible to be a spectator to reality"
D.P. RE: "To be enlightened is like in the state of orgasm. Floating on a cloud warmed from deep within, expanding out beyond with light that connects with all?"

C.G. Mmmm - Yes at the point of orgasm - one is totally "present in the now" - and for just an instant one forgets the mind-ego. Nature is so cunning! It is a minute taste of nirvana teasing us to forever advance spiritually. Multiply it a million fold and it's a pretty good way of describing the indescribable.

D.P. RE: "I will be locked up for these thoughts"

C.G. Poetic thoughts such as those will lead to freedom rather than incarceration. Those with the keys and locks are the real prisoners. William Blake said "All poets are mad!" and its true. You cannot be a an inspired poet without a hint of madness.


S.R. RE: "I like to seek God in every one - why do I dislike myself so?"

C.G. Is not the God you seek all pervasive? Why seek your God merely in people? As God is all, all that you perceive is God. Once you come to realize, at a deep profound level, that "all is God" the jump can be made that "you" the entity being the perceiver, is the center of all that you perceive. You cannot perceive it from somewhere other than yourself - it is an impossibility. You are the center. As God is all pervasive and you or the "self" is the center, you are all pervasive in consciousness.

The word God is not "God" but is a creation from both your conceptualization of your past conditioning and the "inner yearnings of consciousness guiding you to enlightenment (home)".

To realize God or Self is to be God or Self. You are "Sat-Chit-Ananda" - Being - Awareness and Bliss. You no longer need to love yourself as you are Love. You are Truth absolute!

G.H. " You are so against beliefs! Can it be so wrong to believe in Heaven and Hell and a Creator."

C.G. You ask me "Can it be so wrong?". Does it need to come down to degrees of wrongness?

And to judge or make the comparison with these degrees needs the mind, does it not? What the mind creates it will eventually destroy.

"Belief systems are but a bad case of Mistaken Identity!"

We believe "we are the body, its mind and its senses" but to the real "Self" bodies come and go at "will" in a sequential dream play. The assertion and false notion, that I am the body brings the world and the needless fear of death into existence. The mind then seeks to explain the world and its suffering by creating the need for God. Once the concept of the creator exists the need for traditions, dogmas, doctrines and rituals (Belief systems) arise to organize the concept.

The insanity is that to protect these belief systems man has butchered tens of millions of fellow human beings and continues the process to this day.

We can only change the dangerous and destructive collective Ego-Id or Super-ego of mankind by changing ourselves. In that sense a "belief" in a heaven creates the corresponding hell on Earth.

"When boarding the plane to enlightenment -

leave all luggage at the airport!"


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